Mark Watney survival log #9

Hi everyone, I made it. I finally did it. I’m on Hermes with my entire crew and although I have two broken ribs i’m eccentric that I made it. A year and a half. One full year then another half of surviving and taking care of any problems that came up. Dang that’s incredible. Anyways a couple of days after I arrived to the MAV I got in it and left but before I left I had to lower the weight by a lot. I had to take out all of the chairs and the control panel and even the windows. That wasn’t even the worst part. I had to take off the front of the MAV and place the Hab canvas over it. When I finally disassembled most of the MAV I got launched back into space. I passed out for a couple of minutes but when I came back Beck (crewmate and doctor) was there to attach the tether which brought us back into the Hermes. From there they celebrated and laid me down to heal my two ribs. I’m so happy i’m back and this will be my last survival blog so for the last time. Watney out.

Mark Watney survival log #8

Hello everyone! Great news. I made it to the MAV! After doing lots of tests and practice runs I decided that it was time to go and make my way to the MAV. The trip was good. Mostly flat land but there were some problems. I got into a severe dust storm. Dust storms aren’t really threatening its just dust. The problem was that it was reducing the sunlight coming down to Mars. That means it was reducing the amount of battery that my rovers were getting (they charge on solar energy). I quickly headed South out of the storm and my batteries then got 100% charge compared to the 80% charge they were getting while I was in the storm. I then was going pretty fast and my rover flipped over in a crater. look i’m not stupid there was a layer of dust covering the the crater and my rover sunk in when I was over it. Which then caused the rover to flip. It was a small delay but I found a way to flip the rover and the trailer back over and continued to the MAV. Nothing really broke I mean there were a couple of solar panels but nothing that was going to set me back a whole lot. I then traveled a couple more days and finally made it to the MAV. The whole sight was so beautiful. A whole intact MAV waiting here for me to take it to my crew. I’m going home. I’m really going home. Hopefully I won’t face any more problems. Anyway Watney out.

Mark Watney survival log #7

Heyo, i’m back. So far I am just prepping to make the rover my new home because once I leave i’m gone. I decided to dissemble the pop tent (pop tents are just emergency tents for someone to temporarily survive in case there was an emergency) and take parts of the Hab apart to make a little private room in the rover. I bet you’re wandering “How are you fitting all of this stuff in the rover?” Well the rover is pretty big when its just myself and some stuff like a bed and a suit but with all of the stuff thats measuring the air pressure and the oxygen in the rover it gets pretty crammed pretty fast. Rovers have airlock valves so I decided to attach the pop tent to the airlock on the rover so I can have my own little place to sleep. Sleeping in the rover is like sleeping in a car. I’m going to give myself some comfort and sleep in a room. I mean when NASA gives me a Hab which I had to myself there is no way I am going banish myself to sleep in a rover. I’m going to be on my way soon. Watney out.

Mark Watney survival log #6

Hello, in case I forgot to tell you NASA came up with a plan to rescue me. My old crew found out I am alive and they are coming to get me. They are heading for Earth so here is the plan. The Hermes (the vehicle the crew is in) will go into Earth’s orbit and NASA will launch the supplies to them so the crew can survive. From there the crew will take it into the hermes and secure it. They will then come back to Mars. When they get close enough I will be launched in the Ares 4 MAV to their Hermes. They will then take us all back to Earth. These idea is crazy and it’s called the Rich Purnell maneuver whoever that guy is. Anyway hopefully it works so I can leave this lonely planet. If God is on my side I will survive if he’s not this will all have been for nothing. Watney out.

Mark Watney Survival log #5

Hello! I’m back and I got out of the airlock so that’s fantastic. I repeatedly slammed my back against the airlock until it rolled close enough to the Hab and the rover. I patched up my helmet with a strand of my suit that I cut. After I used some of the tools to “glue” the open suit together making a temporary seal. The estimated time the suit would last was only four minutes. That’s enough time to run into the Hab and get a different suit. The patch of suit that fixed my helmet got in the way of my vision so I had to use a camera which is on the top of my helmet to locate things. I can use my arm computer (yes I said arm computer) to look through the lens of the camera. This sort of work. I was only able to see partially. To much stuff was on top of the suit and I was running out of time so I grabbed the nearby helmet and ran to the rover. Once I was in the rover I filled up my oxygen tanks and replaced the helmet. I went back to the Hab and took my time to get the suit. Now I have a fully functioning space suit. Once I got the suit everything was fine. I then checked in with NASA and they helped me make a makeshift airlock for the Hab. They also gave me good advice and they told me that I have to be at the Ares 4 landing site in 257 sols. That means I have to pack everything I have into 2 rovers and drive to the Ares 4 future landing sight. Here comes the bad part of all this. I was working with a drill and I placed the metal part on Pathfinder for some stupid reason and now Pathfinder is dead. When the metal part of the drill touched Pathfinder a circuit blew and its finished I was analyzing it and there is now way I can resurrect it. I’m all alone now. This is going to be challenging. Watney out.

Mark Watney survival log #4

Hey guys! Big news! I got Pathfinder and made communications with NASA! I was so eccentric. You would think I would be jumping up and down but instead I just walked into the Hab and laid in the dirt and started to cry. I had been alone on a planet for so long but I had finally done it. They know i’m alive and were talking. They sent me instructions to hack rover 2 which is the main rover I have been traveling in. Now the communications are going back and forth like text messages. Much faster now. Here is something I forgot to tell you. The Hab wasn’t supposed to last as long as i’ve been here and I kind of forgot that it weakens after a while. It weakened so much that it finally tore. When it did it launched the airlock and I a distance from the Hab. Along with the Hab being destroyed and the airlock having a small crack, my space helmet broke. No worries mechanical engineer Mark fixed the problem with good old duct tape. I grabbed a stran and slapped it over the tiny leak in the air lock. It surprisingly held. After I fixed the airlock I fixed my space suit with some of my tools which come with the space suit. Now I have to figure out how to get to the rover. Wish me luck. Watney out.

Mark Watney survival log #3

Hello! last time I blogged I made food and water which was great so the next thing that I am trying to do is get to Pathfinder. Pathfinder was a Mars rover that lost signal with NASA in 1997. If I can get to pathfinder then I can possibly establish communication. I’m packing one of my rovers with food, water and other basic needs like oxygen. I have two rovers on Mars. So I took the battery out of one of them and I took it with me so when I eventually run out of battery i’ll have a backup. I also have solar panels to recharge the batteries. The ride to the pathfinder will be incredibly long. It’s just the same thing everyday. Drive for awhile then change the battery and once the second one dies I have to wait 12 hours to charge both batteries then repeat. I’m thinking about going to the future landing site of Ares 4 but that ride is fifty days. I don’t think I can last ten. Anyways wish me luck anybody who is reading this. Watney out.