Mark Watney survival log #3

Hello! last time I blogged I made food and water which was great so the next thing that I am trying to do is get to Pathfinder. Pathfinder was a Mars rover that lost signal with NASA in 1997. If I can get to pathfinder then I can possibly establish communication. I’m packing one of my rovers with food, water and other basic needs like oxygen. I have two rovers on Mars. So I took the battery out of one of them and I took it with me so when I eventually run out of battery i’ll have a backup. I also have solar panels to recharge the batteries. The ride to the pathfinder will be incredibly long. It’s just the same thing everyday. Drive for awhile then change the battery and once the second one dies I have to wait 12 hours to charge both batteries then repeat. I’m thinking about going to the future landing site of Ares 4 but that ride is fifty days. I don’t think I can last ten. Anyways wish me luck anybody who is reading this. Watney out.

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