Mark Watney survival log #4

Hey guys! Big news! I got Pathfinder and made communications with NASA! I was so eccentric. You would think I would be jumping up and down but instead I just walked into the Hab and laid in the dirt and started to cry. I had been alone on a planet for so long but I had finally done it. They know i’m alive and were talking. They sent me instructions to hack rover 2 which is the main rover I have been traveling in. Now the communications are going back and forth like text messages. Much faster now. Here is something I forgot to tell you. The Hab wasn’t supposed to last as long as i’ve been here and I kind of forgot that it weakens after a while. It weakened so much that it finally tore. When it did it launched the airlock and I a distance from the Hab. Along with the Hab being destroyed and the airlock having a small crack, my space helmet broke. No worries mechanical engineer Mark fixed the problem with good old duct tape. I grabbed a stran and slapped it over the tiny leak in the air lock. It surprisingly held. After I fixed the airlock I fixed my space suit with some of my tools which come with the space suit. Now I have to figure out how to get to the rover. Wish me luck. Watney out.

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