Mark Watney Survival log #5

Hello! I’m back and I got out of the airlock so that’s fantastic. I repeatedly slammed my back against the airlock until it rolled close enough to the Hab and the rover. I patched up my helmet with a strand of my suit that I cut. After I used some of the tools to “glue” the open suit together making a temporary seal. The estimated time the suit would last was only four minutes. That’s enough time to run into the Hab and get a different suit. The patch of suit that fixed my helmet got in the way of my vision so I had to use a camera which is on the top of my helmet to locate things. I can use my arm computer (yes I said arm computer) to look through the lens of the camera. This sort of work. I was only able to see partially. To much stuff was on top of the suit and I was running out of time so I grabbed the nearby helmet and ran to the rover. Once I was in the rover I filled up my oxygen tanks and replaced the helmet. I went back to the Hab and took my time to get the suit. Now I have a fully functioning space suit. Once I got the suit everything was fine. I then checked in with NASA and they helped me make a makeshift airlock for the Hab. They also gave me good advice and they told me that I have to be at the Ares 4 landing site in 257 sols. That means I have to pack everything I have into 2 rovers and drive to the Ares 4 future landing sight. Here comes the bad part of all this. I was working with a drill and I placed the metal part on Pathfinder for some stupid reason and now Pathfinder is dead. When the metal part of the drill touched Pathfinder a circuit blew and its finished I was analyzing it and there is now way I can resurrect it. I’m all alone now. This is going to be challenging. Watney out.

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