Mark Watney survival log #7

Heyo, i’m back. So far I am just prepping to make the rover my new home because once I leave i’m gone. I decided to dissemble the pop tent (pop tents are just emergency tents for someone to temporarily survive in case there was an emergency) and take parts of the Hab apart to make a little private room in the rover. I bet you’re wandering “How are you fitting all of this stuff in the rover?” Well the rover is pretty big when its just myself and some stuff like a bed and a suit but with all of the stuff thats measuring the air pressure and the oxygen in the rover it gets pretty crammed pretty fast. Rovers have airlock valves so I decided to attach the pop tent to the airlock on the rover so I can have my own little place to sleep. Sleeping in the rover is like sleeping in a car. I’m going to give myself some comfort and sleep in a room. I mean when NASA gives me a Hab which I had to myself there is no way I am going banish myself to sleep in a rover. I’m going to be on my way soon. Watney out.

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