Mark Watney survival log #8

Hello everyone! Great news. I made it to the MAV! After doing lots of tests and practice runs I decided that it was time to go and make my way to the MAV. The trip was good. Mostly flat land but there were some problems. I got into a severe dust storm. Dust storms aren’t really threatening its just dust. The problem was that it was reducing the sunlight coming down to Mars. That means it was reducing the amount of battery that my rovers were getting (they charge on solar energy). I quickly headed South out of the storm and my batteries then got 100% charge compared to the 80% charge they were getting while I was in the storm. I then was going pretty fast and my rover flipped over in a crater. look i’m not stupid there was a layer of dust covering the the crater and my rover sunk in when I was over it. Which then caused the rover to flip. It was a small delay but I found a way to flip the rover and the trailer back over and continued to the MAV. Nothing really broke I mean there were a couple of solar panels but nothing that was going to set me back a whole lot. I then traveled a couple more days and finally made it to the MAV. The whole sight was so beautiful. A whole intact MAV waiting here for me to take it to my crew. I’m going home. I’m really going home. Hopefully I won’t face any more problems. Anyway Watney out.

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