Mark Watney survival log #2

Hey everyone, I’m back and doing pretty good. Remember how I said in my last blog how I was going to probably die. Well that changed. I’m not just an astronaut I am a mechanical engineer and also a botanist. That’s right i’m a botanist and the power of botany has saved my life. The food supply that is in the Hab which is a large tent that the crew and I were meant to stay in was only going to last me a year so I decided to grow my own. I layered the martian dirt in the Hab and decided to plant the potatoes that were in my food supply. The problem was the water. There were to many things that needed water and I had to find a way to get it. After a grueling long time I finally found a way to get the water. I had to burn hydrogen and pure oxygen in the Hab to get the water. I had gotten the oxygen from the oxygenator (machine that produces oxygen) and the hydrogen from a MAV fuel tank that was left behind. When I was burning them it was going great! Everything was working out for me after all. Then there was a small explosion. The explosion knocked me across the Hab but didn’t damage anything and everything was still working out for me. This was a huge success and added a lot of time to my life span. Watney out.

Mark Watney’s survival log #1

Hey, so I’m pretty much screwed. Let me go back and explain. My name is Mark Watney and I am part of the Ares 3 crew and our mission was to perform certain tasks on Mars’s surface. We have only been here for 6 sols. Sols are pretty much Earth days but there just a little longer. Anyways a sand storm came around and blew a lot harder than all of those NASA geniuses expected so the crew and I had to abort the mission and evacuate. We were on our way to the MAV which is the vehicle that brings us from Mars’s surface to another vehicle called Hermes. The Hermes brings us from Mars’s orbit back to Earth. I was on my way to the MAV with my crew when a piece of the satellite dish broke and impaled me. When I got hit it flew me back and knocked me unconscious. The crew had no other choice so they left me on Mars. So to sum it up i’m on Mars by myself. I have no communications and after stitching myself up and ripping out a piece of metal from my body I have to come up with a way to survive. I’m probably going to die but we’ll see. Watney out.